
//using namespace std;

	int a = 1<<10;
	//int* pa = NULL;   //Using the sign 'NULL' , it need to include iostream or stdio.h header files.
	//int* pa = &a;
	void* pa = &a;
	return pa;

main(int argc, char* argv[]){
	int count = 0;
	//int* ppa = test_i();
	void* ppa = test_i();
	int* pppa = (int*) ppa;

	std::cout<<ppa<<"  "<pppa<std::endl;
	//std::cout<<"*ppa:"<<*ppa<<"  *pppa:"<<*pppa<<std::endl; // this statement compiled error   
	// 'void*' is not a pointer-to-object type
	std::cout<"  *pppa:"<<*pppa<<std::endl;  
	// outputs:  *pppa:0

	//printf("ppa = %p pppa=%p  *ppa=%d  *pppa=%d",ppa,pppa,0,*pppa);
	// error: 'void*' is not a pointer-to-object type    so reverse the *ppa to zero
	// otherwise outputs are:  
	// ppa = 000000000061FDB4 pppa=000000000061FDB4  *ppa=0  *pppa=1024

	return 0;